Botanical name:
Quercus robur
origins: The Druids have long
held Oak to be a sacred tree and the Oak's ogham name of "Duir" links
it not only with the word for door but also with the root of the word
"Druid", in other words a Druid was a person of Oak knowledge.
The Oak is a tree which is perhaps
more honoured than any other. It is one of the trees which was once
considered to be the father of mankind and the Romans believed that
men sprang from the Oak.
The King of the forest, the roots of the Oak are said to extend as far
underground as its branches do above making it a symbol of the law "as
above, so below".
Magickally, the Oak represents
strength and protection. It teaches persistence and endurance. Known
as the King of the Forest, the mighty Oak is traditionally associated
with strength and courage. It grows to a huge size and great girth and
is a very long-lived tree spanning centuries.
Offering its gifts of protection, strength and courage, Oak makes
wonderful magickal tools to last a lifetime or even a special heirloom
to be passed down for generations. |